Monday, December 31, 2012

Meet & Greet Monday

How long have you been with Casbah?
I started working for Casbah last May.

What is your role at the Spa?
I am the marketing & social media manager:)

Are you working on anything exciting right now?
I am really excited because shortly we will be launching Casbah's new website! We incorporated a lot of things that I know the Casbah clients and staff are really going to love! We've got the new blog right on the website along with weekly updates, a convenient shopping page complete with staff favourites and a lot of other new surprises. Stay tuned!

What's your favourite part of the job?
I absolutely love design. Right now I'm enjoying designing the new website, but I also love creating every week the new newsletters and promotions. 

What is your favourite service at the spa?
I have heard amazing reviews about the facials, but haven't tried it out yet. I have tried the pedicure and LOVE it. All inclusive, complete with gel polish and wine! It doesn't get better than that:)

What is your favourite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon?
Well lately I've really been into a good nap! But once I'm rested I love hanging with friends and going for a good hike or good appies... or a lot of both;)

Is there anything you'd like to see on our new website? We'd love to know your thoughts! You can comment right here or let us know via email.

See you in the New Year!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Less Stress, More Living!

These last few harried weeks of 2012 are the ideal time to start focusing on a big idea for 2013: Less Stress, More Living. The holiday season is upon us — a time to lovingly connect with family, to relax, recharge and emerge happy, content and revitalized. Just kidding. In fact, of course, it's usually the complete opposite. 
But why is that? What is it about special occasions — whether it's dinner parties or weddings or birthdays or, especially, the holidays — that fill us with such stress? Instead of leaving us recharged, the holiday season is more likely to leave us drained. Or "blorft," as Tina Fey calls it. "'Blorft' is an adjective I just made up," she writes in BossyPants, "that means 'Completely overwhelmed but proceeding as if everything is fine and reacting to the stress with the torpor of a possum.'" Most of us have been there, felt that. And many will be blorft again between now and New Year's Day, when we can officially start feeling guilty and stressed out about breaking the resolutions we'll make in response to the stress-induced overindulgence of the holiday season.
My big idea has two parts: first, acknowledge that we are overstressed, and second, take the necessary steps to identify the sources of our stress and course-correct. And while stress isn't limited to any one time of year, I strongly believe in using opportune moments in our lives to help bring about the changes we need. At Casbah, we offer massage and various other relaxation services to demonstrate that even in the middle of one of the busiest seasons, women and men can unplug, recharge, and hit the ground renewed.
Similarly, we want to use this moment — the end of one year and the beginning of another, and all the hopes, aspirations, reflection, and resolutions that are part of this interstitial moment — to summon the ingenuity we all possess in order to reduce stress.

Because this is the perfect moment to slow down and reflect on why what should be a time of generosity, celebration, and coming together so often becomes a time of high anxiety and alienation. But of course stress isn't limited to the holidays — it's a destructive force that affects almost every aspect of our lives, from our health and relationships to our careers and creativity.

And in fact, our stress epidemic is a major factor in one of our other debilitating national epidemics — sleep deprivation. Work stress keeps 46 percent of Americans up at night, according to a 2012 study.
The philosophy behind Less Stress, More Living is based on two truths: that we all have within us a centred place of harmony and balance, and that we all veer away from that place again and again. That's the nature of life. In fact, we may be off-course more often than we are on-course. If we understand these two truths and prioritize reducing the destructive effects of stress in our lives, 2013 can be the year we reconnect with our own creativity, wisdom, and joy!
Does your company need to be destressed? Email us to hear how Casbah can come on site and offer your employees a few moments of Ahhhhhh!

Monday, December 10, 2012


How long have you been with Casbah?
I have been at Casbah for 3 1/2 years now:)

What is your role at the Spa?
I am an Esthetician and Make-Up Artist.

Can you tell us a little bit about the Glymed products?
Glymed Products are great! Glmyed is great for showing fast results for treating problem skin such as acne or sun damage and pigmented skin.

Do you have a favourite Glymed product?
Like many people, I love the AHA Exfoliating Masque. It provides a great "at-home" mini facial when you need a quick pick me up and it leaves the skin feeling rejuvenated, radiant and soft. The Licorice Extract is also a great buy… it's an anti-inflammatory that contains AHA, helping cell turnover. Who couldn't love that?

How would you describe our Vitamin A Power Peel Treatment?
The Vitamin A Peel is great for any skin type for a "pick-me-up", especially getting into this busy holiday season!! The peel sloughs away the dead skin for a great glow and better cell renewal. It also works to calm inflammation in the skin, evening skin texture and helping your skin be able to better absorb all your favourite skin products.

What's your favourite part of the job?
I love making people feel amazing from the moment we meet with a warm hand shake to the moment they leave with a great big smile. My career is amazing… I get to meet a variety of different people, building relationships and friendships.

What is your favourite service at the spa?
If I was coming in to the spa I would totally be coming for the Shellac for the season... not having to worry about the nails drying is perfect for the busy women on the go;)

What is your favourite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon?
A great way to spend a Sunday afternoon is a good walk in the woods or mountains surrounded by fresh air and serenity!

Thanks Candice!